The Blessing of a Changed Life
The Blessing of a Changed Life Matthew 5:1-12 “Blessed are…” The Sermon on the Mount remains one of the central passages of the teaching of life in the Kingdom of Christ. It has been often referred to as the rules of Christ’s kingdom. Christ came to establish his kingdom and sovereign rule, a kingdom where righteousness is the standard of conduct. The Sermon anticipates the coming of Christ, the establishment of his kingdom when he returns, and the behavior required of those living in his kingdom. However, these words are more than just the law of the future kingdom; they set forth Christ's expectations of what it means to be his disciple in the present. Christ demands his disciples to think and live differently from the world. We are to live contrary to the world’s behavior and attitudes. We are to live a life that is transformed, both in our relationship with God and his requirements and also in our relationship with others. Christ begins with th