The Attitude of a Slave
The Attitude of a Servant Philippians 1:1-2 “Paul and Timothy, bond-servants of Christ Jesus.” We live in a culture where the mantra is personal empowerment and entitlement. One can even attend a three-day “Culture of Empowerment Conference.” The conference aims “to enhance practical skills and build insights among a community of practitioners striving for a culture of empowerment within their organizations.” The movement towards empowerment promotes “taking control of your life and making positive decisions based on what you want.” If one were to pick a theme song for this movement, it would be Frank Sinatra’s popular hit, “My Way.” If things do not go the way we want, we feel cheated and mistreated. Indeed, there is a place for helping people who are abused and mistreated by others. Nevertheless, Paul gives us a different perspective regarding our personal autonomy and control demands. In the letter to the Philippians, Paul begins with his salutation an