Clarity or Confusion

Confusion and Clarity

2 Peter 1:12-21

“So we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts.”

                  Where do we find clarity and direction in a world of moral confusion?  Peter began his letter with the challenge to grow in our faith, moral excellence, and godliness.  However, how do we find direction when there seem to be so many contradictory views of right and wrong?

                  As he challenges his readers to grow in their faith, he reminds them that his teaching was not just cleverly devised tales.  The teaching of Christ and the transformation He brings was not based upon mere human opinion and speculation.  To affirm this, Peter points to two foundations that undergird his teaching.  The first is that he based his teaching on the person of Christ.  He reminds them that he was with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration when Christ was revealed in his glory, and the Father affirmed the deity and authority of Christ  when he stated, “This is my Son; listen to him.”  Not only did the Father affirm Jesus as His son, but also Christ Himself pulled back the veil of His humanity to reveal the fullness of His divine nature.  In this transfiguration, Jesus receives glory and honor from the Father.  In other words, the Father not only affirmed the teaching of Christ, but He also affirmed that Jesus was God himself who came in the flesh. But this glorious event not only affirmed who Jesus was, it also provided Peter with the validation of the return of Christ when He would come to establish his eternal kingdom (vs. 11).  Peter could affirm both his teaching about Christ and his teaching regarding the return of Christ because he was an eyewitness.

                  In verses 19-21, Peter refers to an even more excellent foundation for his teaching, which is the prophets' words.  Peter reminds them that his teaching is accurate because it is grounded not just in his experience but in the authority of the prophets.  For Peter, the most important validation of our hope in the return of Christ, and the basis for knowing how to live, is the reliability and authority of the scriptures.  The basis for this confidence is in the fact that the message of the prophets did not originate in their thoughts but was the result of the Holy Spirit guiding them to speak the words of God.  Peter points to the divine inspiration of the Bible as the basis for our confidence.  While using their unique personalities and writing style, God moved them to write His message without error.  This truth is affirmed by Paul when he writes, “All Scripture is given by the Inspiration of God” (2 Tim. 3:16).  Christ also affirmed the Bible was inspired and without error when he stated the Old Testament was the “commandment of God” (Mt. 15:3) and “the Word of God” (Mark 7:1).

                  In our age of moral confusion, we can only find clarity in the Bible—the key to determining moral excellence to found in the teaching of the Scriptures.  As Christopher Green writes, “We are on a pilgrimage throughout our lives in this dark world.  God has graciously provided us with a lamp—the Scriptures.  We will walk safely if we pay attention to them for correction, warning, guidance, and encouragement.  If we neglect them, we shall be engulfed by darkness.”   The more we read the Bible, the greater will be our spiritual clarity.  The more we neglect the Bible, the deeper will be our spiritual confusion. As you start this new year, make it your goal to become more immersed in Scripture by reading it daily. In doing so you will discover answers for  life.


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