
Showing posts from February, 2025

The Blessing of God's Plans

The Blessing of God’s Plan for Us. Genesis 13-16 “Then he believed in the Lord; and He reckoned it to him as righteousness.”                   Obtaining God's blessing is not based on our merit but His grace.  This is a message that runs repeatedly throughout the Scriptures.   When we obey God and trust His plan for our life, He pours His blessings upon us.  Conversely, when we doubt God and attempt to live our life by our plans and wisdom, it will inevitably result in disaster and spiritual bankruptcy.                    In chapter 12, God promised Abraham that He would bless Abraham and make him into a great nation.  Having received the promise, Abraham followed God’s commands, left his home country of Ur (modern-day Iraq), and traveled to Canaan.  ...

The God who gives us significance.

The God Who Gives Us Significance Genesis 9-12 “They said let us make for ourselves a name…The Lord said I will make your name great.”                   How do we achieve greatness and success in life?  Something deep within us searches for significance and meaning in life.  We want to live a life that matters and impacts those around us.                    The story of the tower of Babel reveals the audacity of man and their attempt to find meaning and purpose without God.  After the flood's destruction, people sought to achieve greatness apart from God rather than dedicate themselves to serving and accomplishing His purpose for humanity.  The story unfolds with humanities attempt to gain notoriety. It was more than just an audacious building project.  It...

The God who Recreates

The God who Recreates Genesis 5-8 “The Lord said, ‘I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the shy; for I am sorry that I have made them. But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.”                   The story of Noah has long troubled people.  How could a loving God destroy all humanity except for one family? It troubles us because we want to conform God to our perspective.  However, our viewpoint is marred by sin, so we justify sin and regard sin as trite and unoffensive. How can a God judge humanity for the actions that we justify?  The answer lies in the holiness of God.  God is perfect and holy, and every sin is not only an affront to His character but is a denial of His right and position as God.  All sin is birthed in the attitude of rejection of God and the ...

The God who Creates

The God who Creates Genesis 1-4 “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him: male and female He created them.”                   The first three chapters of the Bible are pivotal to understanding the rest of Scripture and crucial in our exploration of God.  It is no wonder that these three chapters are often challenged and rejected as truth.  Under the guise of science, people seek to deny the accuracy and legitimacy of these chapters.  But why are they so critical, and how is the whole message of the Bible dependent on the truthfulness of these first three chapters?                   As we begin our journey of the exploration of the autobiography of God, these first three chapters establish the basis for our understanding.  The story starts wit...

The Autobiography of God

Reading God’s Autobiography Genesis 1:1, Revelation 22:16 “In the beginning God…I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things for the churches.  I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning start.”                   From the beginning until the end, the Bible is more than a storybook of anecdotal messages instructing us for life.  The Bible is, first and foremost, the autography of God. The Bible is not a biography in which the writers give an account of God and His activity in the world.  Nor is the bible a memoir by God. A memoir is different than an autobiography.  In a memoir, the writer shares his/her experiences, emotions, and events that happened during their life.  A memoir does not seek to be factual but aims to convey their perception of the events. Instead, the Bible is an autobiography. An autobiography is ...