The Unchanging Truth

The Unchanging Word

2 John 1:1-6

“The elder to the chosen lady and her children, whom I love in truth; and not only I, but also all who know the truth, for the sake of the truth which abides in us and will be with us forever.”

                  When Jesus was on trial and sent to Pilot for sentencing, after interacting with Jesus, Pilate asked a question, “What is truth?”  From the beginning of time, people have wrestled with this question.  Philosophers have pondered the question, and people have debated the answers for generations.  This question is especially poignant in a world where so much information is available at our fingertips and so many conflicting answers exist.  But the search for truth and the presence of teachers who distort the truth is not new.  Throughout history, there have been those who have twisted the truth to conform to their perspective and to justify their actions.

In the opening verses of 2 John, John stresses the centrality of the truth of God as the basis upon which we must live.  From the beginning, we were not left to grope blindly in our search for how God desires us to live. Instead, God has revealed Himself and His word to us so that we might know the truth.  Truth is more than just learning facts; it is the knowledge of what is right in the sight of God and an expression of His character.  Truth starts with a person.  Christ states, “I am the truth” (John 14:6).  In other words, He is both the source and embodiment of truth.  But not only does Jesus affirm that His words are truth, He affirms that the teachings of Scripture are true, for they originate from God.  In John 17:17, Christ prays, “Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth.”  The truth that God has revealed enables us to live rightly before God and according to His moral law. But this truth is not just information; it is transformative.  It conforms with the holiness of God and His standard of conduct.  

As John writes to the church, he reminds us of the centrality of truth in the Christian life by pointing to four essential aspects of the truth that we embrace.  First, he reminds us that the fellowship and community of the church is grounded in and centered upon the truth of God. In verse 1, truth is the binding agent that unites all believers. The church is more than just a social community; it is a community driven by and centered upon God’s Word.   Second, in verse 2, he reminds us that the truth is present and eternal.  If we are genuine believers in Christ, we will be transformed by God, and He implants His word in our lives.  This truth is not relative or changing but eternal and abiding because of the indwelling presence of Christ, who embodies the truth.   Third, the experience of God’s grace, mercy, and peace is grounded in our obedience to His words (vs. 3). We experience God’s grace and peace when living by His standards.  Last, if we genuinely love God and others, it will be expressed in our obedience to God’s truth (vs. 6). For John, the basis of fellowship with God and others is our obedience to His truth.  John rejoices that the church's people were walking in the truth.  As a parent, there is no greater joy than my children living according to the instructions I have given them.  The same is true of our heavenly Father.  He rejoices when we walk in obedience to Him. Pleasing God begins by spending time in the Bible to know and live by its truth. Ask God to give you the wisdom and strength to live by His word daily.  This is a prayer that God delights to answer.  


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